Jan 19, 2021Liked by Chuckry Vengadam

Thank you for sharing your thoughts Chuckry! You're such a talented writer; every post is always spot-on and this one is no exception. I really relate to everything you've written, especially about not seeing yourself and experience reflected in mainstream media. It's so refreshing to read that you have a similar experience to me.

While I enjoyed The Big Sick because it was cute (read: Kumail is cute), I think Kumail's movie is a great example of how Hollywood (and mainstream media) is only interested in telling stories that make white people feel and look good. Hollywood looooves narratives where the brown (sub with any minority) person abandons the cultural traditions of their community that are considered antiquated and un-American (e.g. arranged marriage) in favor of American ideals of individualism and whiteness ("love triumphs over race!" without any serious examination of race dynamics in the relationship). There isn't really space for stories that operate outside of stereotypes because there are so few to begin with, and thus as you said, the only movies that make it to the big screen are ones that already fit the stereotypical storyline that white people expect and understand.

And to this point: "I know that, especially with all that’s been going on recently, it’s a little ridiculous to complain about stereotypes in movies." – yes, but also, life imitates art, does it not? :)

My roommate Priya is a film buff and I'm sure knows of plenty of indie South Asian stories/movies that are way more multi-dimensional. If you're interested I can ask her if she has any suggestions for you!

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Thanks Cassia!! Glad it resonated with you :) yes I would loveee indie South Asian movie recs, send em my way!

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Jan 17, 2021Liked by Chuckry Vengadam

You bring up a great point. We may not have many stories/films about celebrating the simple things and support for being different. Wonder if that's because people create what sells. Maybe South Asian immigrant parents are charged with self doubt and insecurity about how to be parents in a different culture that they they're not even aware of other ways to be:)! Loved the post, Chuckry.

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Yeah exactly Amma!! "They're not even aware of other ways to be" is a great line. And I agree about people creating what sells, unfortunately that's mostly how stories work right now

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